Qt6 Tutorial
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In this Qt6 video we are going to learn about Qt6 QBrush & QPen, Qt6 is popular cross platform application development framework used to create graphical user interfaces (GUIs) and other software applications with C++ Programming Language. QPen is a class in Qt6 that is used to define the properties of a pen used for drawing lines and shapes in a QPainter object.

with QPen you can set different attributes of the pen such as color, style, width and cap style. you can also specify the dash pattern for a dashed or dotted line and the join style for connecting line segments.

with QBrush you can set different attributes of the brush such as the color, gradient and pattern. you can also specify the style of the brush such as solid, linear gradient, radial gradient or a pixmap pattern, particularly in this video we want to learn about Qt6 QBrush & QPen




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