Python Flask & AWS

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Welcome to the Python Flask & AWS course, in this course are going to learn how to build web application using Python Flask and how we can integrate that with Amazon Web Services (AWS), there will be different topics in this course from building Flask Web Application up to adding Amazon RDS (Relational Database Services), to deploying our Flask Web Application to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk and adding domain name from Amazon Route53 and securing our flask web app with Amazon Certificate Manager.


What is Flask ?

Flask is popular Python web framework that allows developers to easily build web applications. it is lightweight and flexible framework that provides developers with necessary tools to create web applications quickly and easily. Flask is also known for its simplicity and it makes it popular choice for developers who want to create web applications with minimal work.

One of the key features of Flask is its ability to work with different libraries and tools and it allows developers to use tools they prefer when building their applications. Flask is also highly customizable with modular design that makes it easy to add or remove functionality as needed.

Flask is based on Werkzeug WSGI toolkit and Jinja2 template engine which provide the underlying infrastructure for handling HTTP requests, generating response  and rendering HTML templates. Flask also includes development server and debugger, making it easy for developers to test and debug their applications.



What is AWS ?

AWS stands for Amazon Web Services which is cloud computing platform provided by it offers different services and solutions for computing, storage, networking, security, database, analytics, application development and deployment as well as Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) capabilities.

AWS allows individuals and organizations to access and use computing resources on demand without having to own or manage physical infrastructure. this means that users can provision and scale resources as needed, pay only for what they use, and quickly respond to changing business requirements. AWS also provides global network of data centers, which allows users to deploy their applications closer to their customers and reduce latency.

Some of the popular services offered by AWS include Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2) for virtual machine instances, Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) for object storage, Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS) for managed database services, Amazon DynamoDB for NoSQL database services, Amazon Lambda for serverless computing, Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) for container management, Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) for Kubernetes management and Amazon Simple Notification Service (SNS) for messaging and notifications.

AWS is widely used by individuals, startups, enterprises and governments across different industries such as healthcare, finance, gaming, media, ecommerce and more. it is also known for its security, reliability and scalability and offers various certifications and compliance standards for users who need to meet specific regulatory requirements.


What is Amazon Elastic Beanstalk ?

Amazon Elastic Beanstalk is fully managed service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows developers to easily deploy and manage web applications in the cloud. Elastic Beanstalk is designed to make it easier for developers to deploy and scale web applications without worrying about the underlying infrastructure, you will see that how easily we are going to deploy our Python Flask application to Amazon Elastic Beanstalk.

With Elastic Beanstalk developers can simply upload their code and service will automatically provision the necessary resources and manage the infrastructure to run the application. Elastic Beanstalk supports different programming languages and platforms including Java, .NET, Node.js, Python, Ruby, PHP and Go.

Elastic Beanstalk also provides different tools for application management, including auto scaling, load balancing and application health monitoring. these tools allow developers to automatically scale their application up or down based on traffic, monitor the health of their application and receive alerts when issues arise.

also Elastic Beanstalk provides integration with other AWS services such as Amazon RDS for managed relational databases, Amazon S3 for object storage and Amazon CloudWatch for monitoring and logging, you will see in this course that we also add Amazon RDS to our Flask Web Application.

In result we can say that Elastic Beanstalk provides convenient and easy platform for developers to deploy and manage their web applications in the cloud, without needing to worry about the underlying infrastructure. this allows developers to focus on building their applications and delivering value to their customers.



What is Amazon Route53 ?

Amazon Route 53 is highly scalable Domain Name System (DNS) web service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). DNS is protocol used to translate human friendly domain names such as into machine readable IP addresses, such as, that are required to connect to resources on internet.

Route 53 allows users to manage their DNS records for their domain names, including registering new domain names, creating and managing DNS records, and routing traffic to resources on AWS and other endpoints. It provides a reliable and highly available global infrastructure that can handle large amounts of traffic and requests.


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What Will You Learn?

  • In this course you will learn how to build Python Flask Application
  • In this course you will learn about Amazon Services like Amazon RDS and Elastic Beanstalk
  • In this course you will learn how to integrate your Python Flask Application with Elastic Beanstalk