Python Flask & AWS
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In this Flask AWS video lesson we want to learn about Flask & AWS – Flask Templates, so

Flask Templates are HTML files that include placeholders for dynamic content that will be generated by Flask when the web page is requested. Flask uses Jinja2 template engine to render templates and generate HTML pages dynamically.

Templates in Flask allow developers to separate the presentation logic from business logic of their web application. this separation of concerns makes it easier to maintain and modify the web application over time. templates allow developers to reuse HTML code and create dynamic web pages that respond to user input or data changes.

In Flask templates are stored in templates folder in the application directory. templates can include variables, control structures and macros that are processed by the Jinja2 template engine. Flask templates also support template inheritance, which allows developers to create base template that can be extended by child templates that provide specific content or overrides.

To render template in Flask developers use the render_template() function, which takes the name of the template file and any necessary variables as arguments. the function then generates the HTML page by rendering the template and inserting the dynamic content.

In result we can say that Flask Templates provide convenient and powerful way to generate dynamic HTML pages in Flask web applications, allowing developers to create flexible and responsive web pages that can be easily maintained and modified over time and in this Flask & AWS – Flask Templates video we will learn about this.

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