React Native
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In this React Native video lesson we want to learn about How to Use Flex Layout in React Native, Flex Layout is core concept in React Native that allows developers to create flexible and responsive layouts using combination of Flexbox and CSS like styles. Flexbox is a layout system that allows elements to be positioned and sized dynamically based on available space, making it ideal for creating flexible layouts that can adapt to different screen sizes and device orientations.

In React Native View component is the primary container for organizing and laying out other components. View component can be styled using different Flexbox properties such as flex, flexDirection, justifyContent, alignItems and alignSelf. these properties allow developers to control how components are positioned and sized within the View.


These are some of the key Flex Layout properties in React Native:

  1. flex: flex property determines how much space a component should take up within View. components with higher flex value will take up more space while components with lower flex value will take up less space.
  2. flexDirection: flexDirection property determines the direction of the main axis along which components are laid out within View. main axis can be horizontal (row) or vertical (column).
  3. justifyContent: justifyContent property determines how components are aligned along the main axis within View. Components can be aligned to the start, center, end or evenly spaced along the main axis.
  4. alignItems: alignItems property determines how components are aligned along the cross axis within View. components can be aligned to the start, center, end or stretched along the cross axis.
  5. alignSelf: alignSelf property allows individual components to override alignItems property and specify their own alignment along the cross axis.
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